Navigate the Holidays with no Dietary Hangover

Here it is once again; the most wonderful time of the year! That time of year with family reunions, happy celebrations and lavish parties heralding the arrival of a newborn King and a brand new year.  Additionally, for some, the holidays bring difficult memories and emotional eating concerns.  After all this massive merrymaking and memory collecting is over, often one is left with the aftermath of dietary indiscretions and a not so happy year full of resolutions to undo what took only six weeks to acquire.

To avoid the pitfalls of holiday food madness while still savoring the delicacies which bring so much delight, remember:  Those who fail to plan, plan to fail!  Think through the week ahead, and be aware of all the opportunities for “falling off the health wagon”. Then plan in advance so you will be in control of what to avoid and where you can feel free to indulge yourself a bit.

These are general guidelines to assist in being victorious over the holiday hullabaloo.  Research indicates that a food diary is a proven method to be accountable for intake, and reveals patterns that lead to emotional eating. Those that keep a food journal lose on average 15% more weight (15% of 10 pounds is 1½ pounds) than those who don’t. This is a difficult time of year to develop such a discipline, but it may help to provide some restraint for those desiring to focus on their health during this time of year.

To encourage natural detoxification eat only fresh fruit and veggies until noon each day. Bump up the protein in a fruit smoothie by adding protein powder or Greek yogurt. Without many office parties or open houses to attend before noon during the week, it is one way to avoid the typical donuts or special holiday coffeecakes that only serve to clog up the digestive track and contribute bloat, constipation and pounds.  

Plan the rest of your day’s intake determining which delectable delights you will choose. Remember, avoidance of the dietary hangover is not about total deprivation, but about reasonable indulgence.  If you have a party where you want to let your guard down, minimize lunch while including all three food components of protein, carbohydrate and small amount of fat.  Although you should never skip meals, calories do count and the grand total could end up on your hips unless you keep a gate on your lips.     

Before an evening event, have a healthy snack that is low in sugar, salt and calories but high in fiber.  A salad or crudités, better known as raw veggies, would be a great choice.  Arrival at the party famished could cause your best efforts at restraint to come completely undone.  The unhappy fact is that the more sugar and fat you consume, the more your body craves them; therefore, the continual challenge of unwanted pounds.  Ensure that about 50-60% of your intake is fruit and veggies and you will not only reduce your intake of unwanted calories, but keep your digestive system regular, keep the scale as your friend, and boost your immune system to boot!

Here’s one last recommendation crucial to victory over the battle of the bulge, not only for the happy holidays, but year round. Get some form of exercise every day.  Twenty to thirty minutes minimum should be routine for every living, breathing human being.  The body requires some form of aerobic, strength and flexibility movement on a regular basis.  Even 10 minutes broken into 2 or 3 segments works. Studies show that whatever the age, everybody benefits from some form of physical activity.  Give yourself a gift this season; a gift of good health by adopting a new wellness tip.  With some careful forethought, you will hold the bloat, water retention, weight gain and guilt at bay so that it will truly be a happy new year.  Cheers!  

Charlene Causey is a former registered nurse. She has also been a model, nutrition and fitness instructor,

and educational consultant. With over 45 years of experience in research and development, Charlene

assists individuals in balancing their bodies in harmony with nature. She is currently a Certified Natural

Health Professional, a Certified Personal Trainer and Body Barre Instructor, whose main focus is a natural

approach to health and wellness. You can reach Charlene at or go to and join the conversation!


Charlene Causey